Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. --Dr. Seuss, The Lorax.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pretty much whatever :D

I am back!
This week has passes alarmingly fast. When I woke up Monday morning, I was expecting another really long school day in which I would look at the clock several times waiting for the bell. That is how all my Mondays are. But instead, the unexpected happened. I blinked and I was riding the bus home. This is how my entire week has gone. I am not questioning it. :D
The reason I have not been posting so much is because I have been getting hammered with homework. Or, I have been hammered with homework. Today I had nothing. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I have had three to four hours of work, but today, I have NOTHING! YES!:D I wish there was a smily face that showed a guy jumping up and down in triumph!
I will not continue to bore you about my week sooooo, moving on. I am thinking up a good Halloween post. I will have some pictures, that I will be posting on sunday for a funny post. So until then see ya!
                                           --Shannon :)


  1. HHAHA!! "I wish there was a smily face that showed a guy jumping up and down in triumph!" Love it!

  2. I've been getting loads of homework too! Looking forward to the posts :D
