Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. --Dr. Seuss, The Lorax.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Who Can Resist Free Cupcakes on U.S. Constitution Day?

Not me. Well... sometimes I can. But that wasn't today.
Yesterday I was talking about all the perks of college, and today, I just discovered another one.
Two words: Free. Cupcakes.
Apparently, today is U.S. Constitution Day. (Happy U.S. Constitution Day, btw)

Anyways, I was leaving my Science class, when I hear some fellow college student call out, "Free cupcakes if you want one!" Said college student was standing at a table with a beautifully-colored red, plastic table cloth. On the table was a spread of little booklets, a basket of red-striped mints, cupcakes, and other pamphlets with all sorts of info on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Cool right? That's okay. (If you don't think it's cool then it's because I am a total history geek.)
Now, I have a little booklet that contains the texts of both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence inside.

Go to Boston, sometime, if you ever get the chance and check out the U.S.S. Constitution. Went a couple years ago. It's a good time.

Now that my teeth and lips are thoroughly covered in blue cupcake frosting....

It's a good day.

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