*Cough, cough*. Ahem.
So, one of the many things that gets on my nerves is the fact that, upon going to high school four years ago everyone assumed I had no friends. Why? I have no idea. Just because my home room was my living room doesn't mean I have not been adequately socialized. While I believe that I would have been happier with more individuals of my peer group, by the clouds in the sky I wasn't that sheltered.
Moving forward. My sister and brother are experiencing the same issues. Other high schoolers think that doing math, science, english, and history in one's own home means that they were living under a rock. I had several friends, some of whom attended the local elementary school when I was in third through fifth grade, and when all of us were in middle school, they attended the local middle school. I also had fellow homeschooled buddies. Several of them have been very dear friends throughout the years.
Now, I did not know a total of two hundred children who were popular, not popular, geeky, nice, not so nice, or weird. However I did know closer to fifty children in a homeschool group, who were popular, not popular, geeky, nice, not so nice, and weird.
I would also like to clear up other myths surrounding my homeschool experience. Lets see, yes I had friends.... Oh yeah, just cause my school doubled as my house doesn't mean I get to have recess whenever I want. Instead, I had to finish my math at least before I could have recess, and some kids don't even get recess being homeschooled. Another thing: I still had to start my schoolwork by eight O'clock. I soooo did not get to sleep in as late as I wanted, and I didn't get to stay up as late as I wanted. I am not awkward. Okay, maybe I lied. I am a little bit awkward sometimes. But not from being homeschooled.
My parents are not religious freaks, and while I did meet people who thought that public school system was an establishment of Satan's, neither of my parents were one of them. I did meet kids who were pretty much the reincarnation of all of the characters in the Little House In The Big Woods, but I assure you I did not run around in a pretty dress and bonnet knitting, and neither did my siblings.
So there. That is about it with my rant. I find it necessary to include, that just now one of my brothers walked by and commented on the title. "Shannon, just the fact that you wrote 'zealous zeus' shows that you have no friends and were homeschooled." *Face Palm*
Anyways, I know this was a long post. I was trying to make up for my lack of blogging lately. Just kidding. I would like to thank those people that still read my stuff, even if I don't write anything for a year and two months. In all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed my rant. I certainly did.
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