Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. --Dr. Seuss, The Lorax.

Friday, February 5, 2016

My New Goal in Life is to Get a Perfect Score in my Statistics Class

Unfortunately, my pinkie finger is out of commission. It is a terrible inconvenience. Honestly, You don't realize how much you use that teeny digit until something happens and you can't. Keep your fingers close, keep your pinkie finger closer. Always.

Anyway, (as I attempt to type) this is an exciting time in my life. Before winter break began (an entire month long holiday when you are in college) I asked my mom if I could refinish the living room. 'Tis finished. Almost. The walls are. I still have to do the banister.

There have never been lights in my living room. I mean the kind that are attached to the walls and the ceiling. We've always had lamps. But as I was pulling the terrible particle-board paneling off the walls I noticed two little rectangles of wood that had been plastered over. My grandparents came up, and were like, "what is that?" I had no idea, but Grandpa pulled the wood and plaster out, and guess what was behind? LIVE WIRES!!!

I know that it is not grammatically correct to use so many exclamation points at the end of a sentence, but we were all pretty shocked. Long story short, Mom bought some pretty sweet sconces. They now provide a staggering amount of light compared to what we had before.

And now for the final point of this post. I am taking a statistics course this semester (my last one before graduating with an associate's), and my goal is to end the semester with a perfect score. Last semester I had a perfect GPA, now I want a legitimate 100% in my Stats class. Math is my worst subject, but nonetheless, I have spent a good deal of time working hard and doing my homework over, and over, and over again. I discovered that if I do each assignment twice, my grades go up! Thus far I have taken two quizzes, and have gotten 100% on both of them. My first test is this Tuesday.

Further notices as events warrent.

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